

Welcome to the Bridge Hotel


The Bridge Hotel was established near the River Bremer in 1850 and was know as "Langhorne's Inn" until 1853 when it became "Langhorne's Bridge Hotel". The town's name was dropped from the hotel name in 1889 and as with many South Australian places, the 's' has also been discarded from the town's name, hence Langhorne Creek.

The hotel features a warm and inviting Main Bar which overlooks a picturesque outdoor area. Adjacent to the Main Bar is a cosy dining room and a separate gaming room.

Another attractive feature of the pub is the quality and quantity of food available. The cosy atmosphere of the wood fire during winter combined with it being an old character hotel, further enhance the experience.

Bridge Hotel
Main Road
Langhorne Creek SA 5255

Phone: 08 8537 3010
Fax:  08 8537 3350
Email: [email protected]

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